Comments on: Summer Church Clothing Ideas For Women Over 60 Fri, 19 Apr 2019 01:44:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Fri, 19 Apr 2019 01:44:55 +0000 I am taking a treadmill break, and found your blog. I like the outfit suggestions, although I am quite good myself, finding my own style. I get copied often.

If people of faith worried less about the superficial church fashion thing, and more about acting and talking more like Christ, I would have more respect for religion. Your core morals, are much more important then comparing your clothing on Sunday, to a group of strangers. That being said, nice outfit picks. The only “religion” I follow is kindness.

By: Amanda Fri, 21 Sep 2018 05:09:46 +0000 Lovely collection! These are some adorable clothing ideas. I will definitely try them. Thanks a lot for sharing.

By: Preppy Outfit Ideas 2017: A Complete Guide To Look Intelligent | Styleew Tue, 15 Aug 2017 09:17:33 +0000 […] do recommend to check out my blog post about Summer church looks for 60 old women, where I gathered really nice clothing combinations to share with all of you. Ripped washed blue […]
